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From to time to time, I'll upload new work from recent portrait shoots I've had. The images won't be limited to just portraits but odds and ends photographs that I find interesting. Keeps things fresh. When I find stunning photo on the web somewhere, portrait or otherwise, I'll post it here, too. I love sharing great images.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Zaina and Doug.

I don't get asked photograph many weddings.  But when I was asked by my close friends Zaina and Doug, I jumped at the chance.  Not just because they're my friends, but because their wedding was to be a traditional Orthodox wedding, one of the most beautiful events on the planted.  Here are some images from that day.


Traditional Orthodox Weddings begin at the Narthex of the church, at the entrance to the temple. The bride and groom exchange rings. This is the Betrothal ceremony. The officiating priest then leads them towards the Nave at the front of the church the for The Crowning, Dance of Isaiah and Drinking from the Common Cup. 

The Crowning symbolize the glory and honor that is being bestowed on them by God, and the the ribbon symbolizes their unity. The Common Cup represents the marriage of Cana at Galilee. It was at this wedding that Jesus performed his first miracle, changing water into wine, which was then given to the married couple. Wine is given to the couple and they each drink from it three times.

The Crowning symbolize the glory and honor that is being bestowed on them by God, and the the ribbon symbolizes their unity.  The Common Cup represents the marriage of Cana at Galilee. It was at this wedding that Jesus performed his first miracle, changing water into wine, which was then given to the married couple. Wine is given to the couple and they each drink from it three

For The Dance of Isaiah, the priest the leads the couple, who are still wearing their crowns or stefana, three times around the altar on their first steps as a married couple.

SamTina Pictures

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